There is no doubt nowadays that one should understand and speak English in everyday life, for example:
- If you want to know what the logo on your shirt means, you have to know English.
- If you want to know what the English lyrics of your favourite song are about, you have to know English.
- You´ve found a funny ʻmemeʻ, but you want to know what the text says? English is the solution!
- If you want to communicate with people from all over the world, you have to know how to speak English.
- English is spoken as a so-called "lingua franca" in many countries of the world (see the map below). And of course: in a world shaped by the use of smartphones and the internet
English is THE one and only language! For example: You and some friends from around the world want to play a new online game together, but if you want to skype together while you play, you need to know English.
- Finally, don’t forget: later, in real life, English words will certainly also appear at your future workplace!
At THG the textbook Green Line (published by Klett) is used from fifth to tenth grade. Our school’s internal subject curriculum for English lessons is designed with regard to that textbook and is based on the current requirements of the state of Schleswig-Holstein for “Sek. I“ . There is no textbook for the Oberstufe, though. Here, a mixture of literary and non-literary texts is used by your respective course teachers to teach the topics of the current requirements of the state of Schleswig-Holstein for “Sek. II“, among others the so-called “Themenkorridore“ (which are mandatory for your A-levels). And what do we do outside regular English lessons? We invite English-speaking theatre groups to perform their plays for different grades.
We take part in English competitions.
We keep in contact with a school in the USA and with Hastings (England).