

Englisch umfasst viel – English everywhere:

Zeichnung: Susanne Kirsch
What is English all about?
A (clap) B (clap) C D E
Here’s a rap for Thomas T.
F (clap) G (clap) H I J
English lessons are OK.
K (clap) L (clap) M N O
Are you new here? Hi, hello.
P (clap) O (clap) R S T
Say the number one, two, three.
U V W shout and clap
X Y Z (clap) do the rap.
…Alphabet rap by Green Line 1
When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
When the hurlyburly’s done,
When the battleʻs lost and won.
That will be ere the set of sun.
Where the place?
Upon the heath.
Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
...Macbeth (act 1, scene1) by William Shakespeare
  • from theʻ Alphabet rapʻ from our English textbook to the beginning of the drama Macbeth by Shakespeare
  • from the initial dialog "Whatʻs your name?" to the speech check in the Abitur
  • from colouring the Union Jack to evaluating a statistical presentation using the appropriate vocabulary
  • from "He, she, itʻs got to do" to writing a cover letter for an internship in Scotland....
  • from the hesitant contact with Anna/Justin/Erika or Suzanne (our former foreign language assistants) to the welcome speech in fluent English in one of our Comenius/Erasmus+ projects.

    If you have further questions about the English student council then use our contact form:

  • Questions to the English student council

    Here you have the opportunity to ask specific questions to the student representatives. The completed forms will then be sent to a registered e-mail address.
    If you have general questions, please use our general contact form at the top of the homepage.

    UK - German Connection Project

    The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.

    Upcoming events

    For further dates, use our calendar of events
    • 17.09.2024
      18:00 - 20:00 Clock

      Elternabende der 7b, 8b, 8c und der 9. Klassen

    • 17.09.2024
      18:00 - 19:30 Clock

      Q1 – Informationen zum Abitur für Erziehungsberechtigte (Geo-Raum)

    • 17.09.2024
      20:00 - 21:00 Clock

      Elternabend des E-Jahrgangs (Geo-Raum)

    • 24.09.2024
      18:00 - 19:30 Clock

      Elternabende der 5. und 6. Klassen (Klassenraum)

    • 24.09.2024
      20:00 - 21:00 Clock

      Elternabende der 7a (Klassenraum) und der 8a (Klassenraum)

    im Bildungszentrum Mettenhof

    Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

    Tel.: +49 431 - 5377003
    Fax: +49 431 - 5377063


    Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
    Mo - Fr: 7:30 bis 16:30