Grade 5: Lions Quest; Class advice; Social competence training. These programmes are offered in cooperation with Kinder- und Jugendhilfe and Verbund Schulsozialarbeit.
Grade 6: Be smart; Class advice and social competence training as required. These programmes are offered in cooperation with the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung and Schulsozialarbeit.
Grade 7: Violence prevention; Self-assertion; Training in media competence; Alcohol education. These programmes are offered in cooperation with AOK, Offener Kanal Schleswig-Holstein, Tour des Lebens.
Grade 8: Training in media competence; Alcohol education; Social competence training. These programmes are offered in cooperation with Offener Kanal Schleswig-Holstein, SOS, Tour des Lebens, Stadtmission Kiel, Kinder- and Jugendhilfe Verbund.
Grade 9: Alcohol education; Cannabis education; Sex education. These programmes are offered in cooperation with Stadtmission Kiel, AOK, Tour des Lebens, and Pro Familia.
Grade 10-13: Information sessions on cannabis and alcohol; Self-assertion; Prevention of sexual violence; Road safety education. These programmes are offered in cooperation with Petze, Tour des Lebens, Stadtmission Kiel, Polizei, ADAC.
The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.