
Social and economic education

Do you speak politics?

Night-watchman state, collective bargaining autonomy, negative external effects, price stability, subsidiarity principle, overhang mandates, concrete control of standards, pay-as-you-go procedures....

You don`t know what to say? We can change that! In addition to the mediation of the professional in the areas of politics, business and society, so that you can finally have a say, the WiPo student council accompanies you on your way to becoming a responsible citizen. For us, this includes above all education for independence, the promotion of critical judgement, the development of our own values and points of view and the understanding of social, political and economic interrelationships. In order to achieve this, the subject Economics/Politics is taught from grade 8 (G8) or grade 9 (G9) to the Abitur. Of course, we adhere to the WiPo curriculum.

Contents of the subject

When selecting content and methods, we pay particular attention to taking into account the age and experience of the students, including current events, as well as questioning and looking at different issues from different angles.
The entry into the new subject in 8th and 9th grade is thus shaped by a particularly high degree of relevance to the world around us. Here we are dealing with questions about pocket money, the rights and duties of young people or the importance of family and how this has changed. In addition, we accompany you on your first encounter with the world of work: the company internship. This takes place in the 9th grade and is prepared in WiPo lessons, e. g. by visiting the Career Information Centre (BIZ) and participating in an application training. We are supported by the Fachschaft Deutsch, which also takes up the topic of application in German lessons.
WiPo can now be selected as profile compartment within the scope of the profile selection for the upper stage. But donʻt worry, WiPo will also appear on the timetable in the other profiles.
As a matter of principle, the topics dealt with in the intermediate school are deepened in the upper secondary school, with the focus on the topics of society and politics being emphasized in the e-year. The Q1 will then examine the economic level and focus on the EU. Finally, Q2 will focus on international issues. Choosing the WiPo profile gives you the opportunity to focus on these topics more intensively and with more time.

What does the subject do?

Overall, the focus is on the promotion of judgement, i. e. the ability to take a critical look at facts independently in order to arrive at a well-founded and differentiated judgement. To this end, we organise simulation games in the classroom, take part in competitions or invite experts.
Since classes are not only held at school, WiPo classes offer you a variety of extra-curricular opportunities, such as a tour of our cooperation partnerʻs premises, a visit to the state parliament or trips to political educational institutions.

In addition to teaching in and out of school, the WiPo subject also makes a special contribution in the upper school level in the area of Studien- und Berufsorientierung .
And best of all, you end up talking politics. We promise!

UK - German Connection Project

The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.

Upcoming events

For further dates, use our calendar of events
  • 20.02.2025 - 21.02.2025


im Bildungszentrum Mettenhof

Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

Tel.: +49 431 - 5377003
Fax: +49 431 - 5377063


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Mo - Fr: 7:30 bis 16:30