
The "Mittelstufe" (middle stage)

Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium offers the 8-year as well as the 9-year educational programme. The Mittelstufe consists of grades 6 to 9 (8 year plan) or grades 7 to 10 (9 year plan). If the G8 plan is chosen, students have already had classes in their second foreign language. In G9, teaching of the second foreign language (French or Latin) begins in the 7th grade.
Class trips within Germany are carried out in the 7th or 8th grades.
It is compulsory for students to decide between French, Latin or ANT (practical sciences) in the 8th grade (8 year plan) or the 9th grade (9 year plan).
In the 9th grade, students complete a work placement. Our motivated school social education worker Mr Nahnsen informs our students about addiction prevention, sensible use of media, and advice. The Peer Mediation AG, led by Mrs Fretwurst, supplements these measures.

Questions for the Mittelstufe administration

Here you have the possibility to ask the teachers of the Mittelstufe targeted questions. The filled-out form will then be forwarded to an e-mail address on file. If you have a general question, please use our general contact form at the top of our homepage.

UK - German Connection Project

The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.

Upcoming events

For further dates, use our calendar of events
  • 13.01.2025 - 18.01.2025

    Planspiel WIWAG des gesamten Q1-Jahrgangs

  • 15.01.2025 - 16.01.2025

    Ball-über-die-Schnur-Turnier der 4. u. 5. Klassen (Di, We)

  • 21.01.2025
    13:00 - 19:30 Clock


  • 23.01.2025
    13:00 - 19:30 Clock


  • 27.01.2025 - 09.02.2025

    Q1: Wirtschaftspraktikum

  • 27.01.2025
    07:45 - 11:15 Clock

    Fachtag zum Holocaust-Gedenktag für 10. Kl. und den E-Jg.

  • 29.01.2025 - 30.01.2025

    Fahrt der Q2 in die KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme

  • 31.01.2025
    07:45 - 11:15 Clock

    Zeugnisausgabe in der vierten Stunde (1.-3. Std.: Unterricht nach Plan)

im Bildungszentrum Mettenhof

Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

Tel.: +49 431 - 5377003
Fax: +49 431 - 5377063


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Mo - Fr: 7:30 bis 16:30