
Aims and forms

The aim of learning and teaching here at Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium is to acquire competence. Our students should develop their strengths together in the school community with support from teachers and parents.
Being on stage
Working in a team
Exploring new ways


Our students become competent.
They work hard to achieve subject-specified knowledge.
They develop their personality.
The experience school and learning as part of a vivid community.

Engaging teachers establish, support and nurture students with the future in mind, and parents contribute to the development process of their children.


Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium offers the Y-Model. With this model it is possible for students to choose the Gymnasium (G8 and G9) between the eighth and ninth year of education.
In the G8 path, the weekly number of classes is higher. Students begin studying Physics and the second foreign language in the 6th grade, whereas in the G9 path they start these subjects in the 7th grade.
In the Profiloberstufe (3 years), both paths come together - one group after 5 years and one group after 6 years at the Gymnasium.
It is also possible for students in the Oberstufe to study Danish as a foreign language for the Abitur as an examined subject.

UK - German Connection Project

The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.

Upcoming events

For further dates, use our calendar of events
  • 20.02.2025 - 21.02.2025


im Bildungszentrum Mettenhof

Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

Tel.: +49 431 - 5377003
Fax: +49 431 - 5377063


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Mo - Fr: 7:30 bis 16:30