
School social work

What is School Social Work comprised of?

Hello, I’m Jan Momme Nahnsen and Dipl. Social education worker.
Within School Social Work, tasks and activities for and with students as well as teachers and parents will be carried out, which directly support the social integration of students. If you require assistance in solving school or domestic problems, I willingly offer myself as a contact. The conversations are voluntary, free and confidential.

A small overview of my assistance…

for students:
Socio-educational help for individual situations
Topic-specific class and group work
Redirection towards additional help
Reinforcement of student initiatives (social competence training, class advice)

for parents:
Advice about school difficulties, age-typical problems, etc.
Redirection towards additional contacts and offers

for teachers:
Information and advice about socio-educational questions
Project work and prevention programmes

My office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-1pm in 2.OG in the east wing. Available outside office hours on 0431-5377037 or by e-mail at
Thor-Heyerdahl-Gymnasium, Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

Questions for Mr Nahnsen

Here you have the possibility to ask Mr Nahnsen targeted questions. The filled-out form will then be forwarded to an e-mail address on file. If you have a general question, please use our general contact form at the top of our homepage.

UK - German Connection Project

The project will involve students thinking about their favourite books when they were younger and thinking about which books interest them now, then sharing this information with students in the other country.

Upcoming events

For further dates, use our calendar of events
  • 20.02.2025 - 21.02.2025


im Bildungszentrum Mettenhof

Vaasastraße 43, 24109 Kiel

Tel.: +49 431 - 5377003
Fax: +49 431 - 5377063


Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Mo - Fr: 7:30 bis 16:30